Thursday, March 29, 2012

Other movements

Today was a day filled with strength training (chains), belly dancing, and yarn lifting. What's that? you ask? Well, wet skeins are heavy especially when lifting out 4 or 5 at a time. I usually lift and dunk the skeins into the pots several times to get the dye spread more evenly. The lifting starts from slightly lower than shoulder height to well above my head. Then I do it again in  the rinsing pot to get most of the acid out, then once more in the pot with Eucalan in it. Yep, lots of lifting. I think my shoulders will rebel forcefully if I try to lift anything else above my head.

I also included a different form of squats and kept going until I started to shake a little.

I'm happy with how well I've been doing and I feel pretty good with the way my muscles feel beneath the layer of fat.

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