Wednesday, February 15, 2012

621.3 Miles


Still traveling along, slowly. There really isn't that much to write about just yet. (I'm also still trying to catch up in the book.)

Today was a short-distance day. I set the resistance as high as it would go. At first there really wasn't much of a difference, but it didn't take very long before my legs started slowing down. Soon I was really pushing to keep above 11mph. I know my legs will be a little sore tomorrow, but that's okay.

For my pushups... I almost got 2 regular ones complete. Oh, how my arms wobble! But I know I can do it if I just keep going. I'm looking forward to getting that second one complete.

The knitting was pretty good. I'm nearly to the heel and I'll be trying out the new technique by Cat Bordhi. Since it is new, I won't be doing this on the bike, instead I'll do it later tonight when I'm sitting down quietly. After all, short-rows and I are still a bit unfriendly, but I am sure that will change soon.

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